ChemE Queen Bee believes in being part of a larger community where we can learn from those who have come before us and teach those who come behind us. Since we are driven by science and technology, we create the best products for our clients by staying in the forefront of research and innovation. We also love having the support and mentorship of other entrepreneurs in our local SoCal area.
Our CEO is a member of American Mensa. Mensa members range in age from 2 to 106. They include engineers, homemakers, teachers, actors, athletes, students, and CEOs, and they share only one trait — high intelligence. To qualify for Mensa, they scored in the top 2 percent of the general population on an accepted standardized intelligence test.
What is the purpose of Mensa? From the Constitution of Mensa, there are three main purposes of Mensa:
Identify and foster human intelligence for the benefit of humanity.
Encourage research in the nature, characteristics, and uses of intelligence.
Provide a stimulating intellectual and social environment for members.)
As a woman-owned company, ChemE Queen Bee likes to work with and support other local, woman-owned companies and organizations. We found our CPA, legal firm, and other services through the Hera Hub, and highly recommend it to other female entrepreneurs in the SoCal area, DC, or the new expansion in Chicago, IL. Check out our friends over at!
With a worldwide membership of almost 150k people, a vast network of other scientists and engineers, and reputable publications such as Chemical and Engineering News, our company has maintained membership in ACS since 2019. Our CEO recently spoke at the ACS Spring 2022 Conference in San Diego on “Start-ups in STEM” and plans to speak again at the Fall 2023 Conference in San Francisco, CA. Click HERE to stay up to date with upcoming events and conferences
North Carolina Future Business Leaders of America-Collegiate (formerly known as North Carolina Phi Beta Lambda) is the premier student leadership organization in the state. Our goal is to help our members develop leadership skills to use at the local and state level, building our communities in the process. North Carolina Future Business Leaders of America-Collegiate is backed by a national organization consisting of chapters across the U.S., Europe, and Asia with more than 230,000 members.
Since ChemE Queen Bee creates many cosmetic formulations, we want to stay up with the latest cosmetics technology and regulations to keep our clients and their customers safe. The Society of Cosmetic Chemists are founded in NYC with an affiliate chapter in California, and is the only nonprofit membership organization dedicated to the advancement of cosmetic science and is comprised of more than 5,000 industry professionals working in all fields of cosmetic science, including formulation, R&D, consulting, raw materials, packaging, academia, marketing, technical sales, regulatory, claims, testing, and more. Visit SCC’s website for more info.
For a long time, the engineering field had little female representation. Although the number of women in engineering has increased, it remains less than the number of men. The Aggie Women Engineers Network (AWEN) was created to make unprecedented, tailor-made connections among female Texas A&M University former and current engineering students and their supporters.